HR Management solutions
Human Resource management
Laws change and demands grow, but the number of workable hours in a day remains the same. The result is often an HR team which is over-strained and in need of outside resources.
Respect Outside is just such a resource. Our intentionally crafted sexual-harassment-prevention trainings for employees, executives, and human resources professionals and post-harassment trainings for offenders not only meet state and federal requirements for employee education, they also have a positive impact on individual employees and workplace culture as a whole.
Cover Your Bases and Improve Your Culture
We go beyond the typical range of topics covered in similar courses to facilitate real conversation and learning in order to change beliefs, change attitudes, and have an actual impact on behavior. The result is an organization which is less likely to experience misconduct and more adequately prepared to handle it should it occur.
Train Your HR Team
Educate Your Executive Team
Revolutionize Your Workplace Culture
Live, in-person trainings are not only more effective at facilitating a real connection between the material and the individual, they also demonstrate your organization’s commitment to creating a safe workplace environment.
Most anyone who has completed an online sexual harassment training course knows that the content is often too generic, too broad, and far too disconnected from their everyday interactions and experiences to have any real or lasting impact on attitudes and behavior. They discuss blatant acts of misconduct, but fail to acknowledge or teach us how to navigate microaggressions and seemingly inconsequential moments which, when built up, create an atmosphere of distrust and disrespect in the workplace.
Respect Outside is different. Our human resources employee trainings, as well as our post-harassment trainings for offenders, break relevant material into interactive segments which are easily retained and speak in a voice that comes directly from the culture of the outdoors industry.